How Often Should You Run ? Evrydy Clothing1.5 billion people make resolutions every year. But, from that less than 1% stick to the resolution. One of the main reasons that many quit is because they feel overwhelmed...
The 7 Best Ways to Flat Your Stomach without Exercise Sangita VSo you’ve been trying to get flat stomach for a while now.You see others do it. You see instagram influencers do it. You see fitness people do it. And they...
Athleisure 101: How to Wear Athleisure for a Convenient and Trendy Look Evrydy ClothingHave you heard of athleisure? No, it's not a fancy new diet plan or a rare form of yoga, and it's a fashion trend that combines the comfort of athletic...
What is Athleisure ? (A Definitive Guide) Sangita VWant to know clothes that are comfortable to wear. Check this out !
5 Reasons Why You Should Wear Active Wear Clothes for Workout. Sangita VSo if you’re looking for; More comfort,More motion, More performance What clothes would you choose while working out or running in the morning? Fashionable clothes or functional clothes. If you’re...